So Organic Biotech Enterprise Ltd

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  • So Organic Biotech Enterprise Ltd
  • Love Earth, Love People, Love Pets
    SOBE Green, SoBe Organic

有机生物菌肥 (农业和园艺用)

SOBE 有机生物菌肥 -

200  (园艺用)

20 公斤 (农业用)

200克/包: $70/200克; For 20公斤, price to be quoted


本产品是由各种高级有机材质,配合特有科研益生菌配方,经过长时间完全发酵制成,含有超过50种有益效的微生物 (EM):
6.增强作物对非生物性压力 (例如干旱,高温和高盐) 的耐受性。
有效成分: 黄豆粉、米糠、蚝壳粉、骨粉、海草粉、芝麻粉、花生粉、壳聚醣 (来自甲壳类动物的壳) 和蛭石等,为植物生长提供必需的矿物质和能改善土壤物理性的有机质,让植物可持续健康生长。
分析成份: 总氮 (N) 3%, 总磷 (P2O5) 2.5%, 總鉀 (K20) 1.8%, 有机质 75%。
有效活菌: 枯草杆菌、链霉菌、放线菌、曲菌、酵母菌、阿伯赛地亚菌等。
有效微生物总量: 2 x 109 CFU/克
盆栽植物或花卉: 3 – 5 吋花盆,每次使用 6 - 10克,均匀撒施于土壤或拌土。建议每两星期使用一次。
果树及蔬菜: 每1000呎的农地,每次使用2-4公斤,均匀与土搅拌。建议每月施用一次。适合作基肥以及追肥使用。
保存方法: 请保存于干燥或阴凉通风处,避免碰到水、潮湿以及阳光直射。
注意事项: 1. 施用后土壤生长菌丝是属正常现象,请勿将菌丝丢弃。2. 可以根据作物类别调整用量。


200 克/包 (园艺用)

20 公斤/包 (农业用)

SOBE 浓缩液态生物菌肥 (生长期)

250 毫升/瓶: $88/250毫升; For 4 升, price to be quoted


本产品为浓缩液态生物菌肥,含有超过50种有益效的微生物 (EM),可以快速补充蔬菜所需的营养,促进植株及叶子生长旺盛。用于花卉上,可以用于促进植株叶面生长。这产品能:
7.增强作物对非生物性压力 (例如干旱,高温和高盐) 的耐受性。
有效成分: 酵母粉、奶粉、鱼粉、海藻萃取物、糊精和糖蜜, 作为微生物益生元材料。
分析成分: 总氮(N) 0.8%, 总磷(P2O5) 0.3%, 總鉀(K2O) 0.3%, 有机质8%。
有效活菌: 枯草杆菌, 链霉菌, 放线菌, 曲菌, 阿伯赛地亚菌, 根霉菌 等。
有效微生物总量: 5 x 108 cfu/毫升。
1.3-5 吋花盆, 每次使用5毫升,与200毫升的水稀释,均匀喷洒于土壤或叶面上。
2.若灌注于土壤,稀释度为 50–100 倍。若喷洒叶面,稀释度为 300–500 倍。
最佳使用期: 开封盖后六个月内使用。


250毫升/瓶 (园艺用)

4升/瓶 (农业用)

Mr. Kan

The Long Valley Ecopadgy’s rice fields (in Sheung Shui, HK) use SOBE Biological Organic (EM) Fertilizers to grow rice. Officer Mr. Kan claims that after using SOBE fertilizers for one week, the result is obvious in the way that the leaves grows in sharp green colour. This indicates that the leaves contain more chlorophyll to provide more nutrients for the rice to grow. They have a good harvest as the rice grows bigger in size compared to those using ordinary organic fertilizers!

SOBE organic fertilizer provided the best nutrients to the soil & the crops ...

In return, Mother Nature gives us the best quality rice as our harvest!

Mr. Man Yim

Mr. Man Yim grows Calamondin and Madagascar Periwinkle outside his company, (in Sai Kung, HK) Hoi Wang Properties Co. Ltd. He comments that after using SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS on his plants, the Calamondin bears lots of fruits while the Madagascar Periwinkle grows lots of bright hot pink colour flowers!

Ms. Sarah Byrne

Ms. Sarah Byrne uses SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS to grow Sunflowers in her garden in London, UK. The Sunflowers grow higher than her 6 years old daughter, Ffion, with a huge bright blossom! The sunflowers have lots of seeds. Mrs. Byrne and Ffion have taken the seeds out from one of the sunflowers to prepare some bird food for winter & with big thanks to SOBE’s super organic fertilizer!

Mrs. Byrne posted this on her FaceBook on Jul 2, 2015

Ffion and her father next to the huge Sunflowers

Ms. Choi

Ms. Choi uses SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS to grow Epiphyllum Oxypetalum. The result is amazing that it blooms 5 beautiful flowers in one night!

Ms. Josephine Chan

Ms. Josephine Chan, an expert in Soil Food Web, Composting and a gardening consultant of a primary school at Tai Po (Plover Cove Road), shows us the happy faces of the students and teachers behind the wonderful eggplants which is resulted from the usage of SOBE Bio-liquid fertilizers!

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